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CONU - The counter nut

The CONU counter nut is a new and innovative patented 'fastener locking device'. Compared to conventional hex nuts this counter nut offers a wide variety of advantages depending on the application, such as reduced space requirements and flow resistance as well as a lower risk of injury.

Due to its unique shape, CONU fits into the countersink without any protrusion. The result: an almost flat and smooth surface.

Thanks to its self-locking effect, CONU does not require any additional safety fasteners such as washers or extra nuts. Its grooved conical design prevents ‘self-loosening’. It is easy to install without a secondary tool, and can often be installed one-handed.

With its innovative design, CONU can be used with grade 8.8 and 10.9 high tensile screws and bolts.



At a glance - The advantages of the CONU counter nut


> Quick assembly
> No second tightening tool required
> No additional locking elements (washers nuts etc.) necessary



> Self-locking (for high dynamic loads)
> Suitable for all common materials
> Also suitable for centering purposes


> Product is patented 
> Level surface (no protruding nut)
> Optimized variants for maximum load capacity

The possibilities of use

CONU is a reliable and versatile solution to an age-old problem, with many application possibilities and advantages. Due to its easy installation, and the possibility to use it with almost all common materials, the range of applications is endless. Interests in the product could come from many material assembly professions and manufacturing industries.


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Different versions for different applications

For the launch phase, CONU will be available in sizes M 6 to M 16 and in two different versions:

We are also pleased to offer you the design drawings of the CONU counter nut free of charge. 

Download design drawings CONU (zip)

CONU at a glance

In our ePaper on the CONU counter nut, we have compiled all the information for you. 

Click here for the ePaper

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